Leaves on the Trudgian Tree

Exploring the lives of one Trudgian family in Galena, Illinois through the eyes of their daughter, Lillian, during the years of 1913 through 1931. Lillian's authentic diary entries explore the family, neighbors, what is happening in Galena, as well as, national events and of course the weather and the crops!

Location: Portage, Michigan, United States

Since all three volumes of "Lillian's Diaries: Whispers From Galena's Past" have been transcribed and published, I am currenting working on another book about the Trudgian (Tregian/Trugeon) family. This time it will be a novel based on historical events which involve my ancestors in Cornwall in the 1400-1600's. I have just started organizing my research so it will be a year or two before you will see it in the bookstore! I have just finished leading a Genealogy Class for beginners at my church. At the end of the six session class everyone had discovered some new information about their ancestors but there was, of course, many more questions to be answered. So I started the "Whispers From Our Ancestors" blog to provide a space for us to share our genealogical joys and roadblocks. Http://seekingourpast.blogspot.com is open to everyone doing genealogy - beginners to experts and all those inbetween.

Friday, December 25, 2009

A Somber Christmas

Saturday, December 25, 1926: We surely had to hustle to get ready to go to the cemetery. We went up as far as John Tippet’s and waited till they got out with the body. We had a sleigh and team. There was just the sleigh and our two cars at the cemetery. Mother staid at Aunt Annie’s. Besides Mr. Caille and the driver there were just us folks and Uncle Edd and Wilbur Bastians. We knelt and said the Lord’s Prayer at the grave. We then all went to Aunt Annie’s to dinner. They had planned on a Christmas dinner, so went ahead with it and it was very nice for us. Al started out right after dinner for home. Wilbur went along but intends to stop here on his way home. Win & Martha were at Aunt Annie’s to dinner also. Tresidders came up there this afternoon. They were expecting to visit with the folks but they had gone. Raymond Dittmar & Alta Waswund were married Thu. Dec. 23 at Pres. at Schapville parsonage.

Christmas Eve day was very icy in the morning. We all had hurried around to get ready to go to the funeral. A wreath of yellow christantumums came in that morning’s mail for the funeral. It was sent by Mary Potter. They were frosted. We had started about eleven and called at Aunt Annie’s. Uncle Dan and Aunt Tillie were going in town so mother rode with them. The roads were very icy but we had no trouble. We called at Nash & Bertsch’s Chapel and saw Uncle Thomas he looked quite natural but I think he looked thin. We then went up to Zimmerman’s to see the folks. Al got there at nine last night and Wilbur was coming this afternoon at 3:30. So they had the services at the Chapel at one. There were quite a few there. Roy & Mabel & Willie were there also. Uncle Henry & Aunt Lue, Uncle George & Arthur Schlichting. Quite a few folks to the funeral. After the services we waited around then went to train to meet Wilbur. After Wilbur saw Uncle Thomas, Al and his family and us folks started out and the hearse was to follow. When we were out to the fair grounds the hearse did not follow so we stopped and Len, Wilbur and Al went back. The hearse could not make Shea’s hill and as it was getting late, they decided they would bring the body out tomorrow at nine oclock with a team. There were several cars stuck on Ehler’s hills. One in the ditch, delaying us for sometime till they got out. Charlie Ehler had to pull some up with a team. Nancy, Geraldine, Aunt Rachel & Mother walked up the hill. But we had no trouble. When we got to Uncle Edd’s hill there were several cars that couldn’t make it again, but by several men pushing & etz they got up. Al’s & our car made it alright again, but it surely was a good thing the hearse didn’t get any farther. We had quite a time to get the fires going. All were cold. Agnes, Milton & Blanch came up that evening. Geraldine was to sleep with me. Aunt Rachel & Nancy in bedroom. Al & Wilbur in the parlour. We’re were all asked up to Aunt Annie’s to dinner Christmas.

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Wednesday, December 23, 2009

The Death of Thomas A. Trudgian

Thursday, December 23 1926: It is raining today and tonight, and getting very icy. I’ve worried so much about it raining. We swept and cleaned up the house. We didn’t bake anything as we bought bread, rolls and cake and etz. Wednesday Al, Nancy and Geraldine were to come back tonight. They were to leave out there after the funeral which was to be at two. I am afraid the cement will be very icy. Aunt Rachel will come with the body on the train at 4 oclock tomorrow morning. They will stay at Annie Zimmerman’s till the funeral.

Wednesday Dad, Ma and I went to town. Uncle Edd rode along in with us. Uncle Dan took Aunt Annie and Tillie. Tresidders were in also. All of us made funeral arrangements. Sullivan was to get Nash and Bertsch funeral chapel for the funeral. We got Rev. Brewster and Uncle Edd and John ordered the singers. He got Wallace Ford and Wallace was going to try to get Miss Eustice, Mrs. Bader and Herbert Dallyn. Mother called up Aunt Rachel to see for sure when they were coming and if the arrangements were satisfactory. She said they weren't going to have funeral here but that it would be all right. Tresidders came up this evening. Aunt Rachel said Wilbur and Anna was not coming.

Tuesday we had a card from Al saying he thought Uncle Thos was some worse. So we washed and Dad and Ma prepared to start for Waterloo on Wednesday. About eleven oclock Uncle Edd and Johnny came down to tell us Uncle Thomas* passed away that night. Al had called up and said they were going to bring him back to Galena Friday morning and Uncle Edd should see Sullivan and get the minister from our church. We hadn’t heard from Uncle Thomas on Monday. It was a nice warm day. Len, Dad and Ruby husked corn today. Mother and I made fruit cake and filled cookies. We staid at home all day on Sunday.

* According to the Records of Death , Black Hawk County, Iowa Thomas Alfred Trudgian (my great grandfather) died in Waterloo, Iowa on 12-21-1926 of Chronic Nephritis . Dr. W. Ellepson was his doctor and Peterson Brothers were the undertakers.

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Thursday, December 17, 2009

Winter Begins To Take Its Toll

Saturday, December 18, 1926: We were busy with Saturday work as usual. Did not hear anything about Uncle Thomas.

Friday was cloudy most of the day. Cold yet, but ever so much warmer than it has been. At least we could keep warm in the house, so we did a small wash. Len went into town with feed. Thursday, Ruby & I walked up to see how the Aunts were getting along. It was very icy walking. We called at Tresidder’s to let them know about Uncle Thomas. It was warmer in the afternoon.

Wednesday was another terrible cold day. The kitchen window were frozen shut all day. There was not one bit of a sign of thawing. The dining room windows were also frozen. For three days we lived in solitary confinement. We got a letter from Al on Wednesday saying Uncle Thomas was in very bad condition. He has been out of his head all the time. He wasn’t sleeping hardly any day or night just a few minutes at a time. He was in the hospital from Sun. till Thursday and then wouldn’t stay another minute. Aunt Rachel was worn out. He ran away Sunday and went over to Metcalf’s with a bath robe on. Al scolded about Anna going away down to Arizona when he was so bad.

Tuesday was clear and very cold and very icy. We just couldn’t warm up the house. The kitchen window was altogether froze up both Tuesday and Wednesday. But it started to thaw a little Tuesday night. Len had thought of going to town but decided it was too cold.

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Saturday, December 12, 2009

Excitment in Galena

Monday, December 13, 1926: It snowed some this morning an awful windy day and very cold. A very cold night. Yesterday we staid home all day. It was rainy most of the day, which made it icy getting around. That afternoon Mr. Fetter came. He wanted to us to take in a radio on trial but we didn’t let him. He had brought one along. He is the first agent we ever had on Sunday. In one way I guess it would have been alright. From here he went up to Fiedler’s.

Saturday, Len & I went to town in the afternoon. There was a big crowd in town. Officer Dwyer had ordered a very drunk man out of town. The man tried to drive out with his wife & baby. Officer Dwyer might as well committed murder as send such a dead drunk out of town driving a car. I surely expect to see the man drive right into a car or somebody. It was a terrible thing. It would be a lot better if Galena had no officers. I don’t see why the decent people of Galena stand it.

Friday we were all busy baking and ironing.

Thursday we got a card from Aunt Rachel{Trudgian}[the photo above is Thomas and Rachel with their three children - Alfred , Wilbur and Anna]. She said they did not bring Uncle Thomas home Wednesday night as he wasn’t able and that she staid at the hospital till ten and Al was going to stay the rest of the night there but as Uncle Thomas was sleeping Al went home. Uncle Thomas was some better in the morning.

Wednesday we washed. It was cloudy. Uncle Edd & Uncle Dan came down that evening to ask Leonard to help saw wood on Thursday. Uncle Edds got a letter from Aunt Rachel, saying Uncle Thos was very poorly and that he has in a sanitarium but they wouldn’t keep him as he annoyed the other patients.

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Monday, December 7, 2009

Winter Has Arrived

Tuesday, December 7, 1926: It was raining today turning into snow, loading trees and bushes with ice & snow. Luckily, on Monday, Len went to town with oats to grind. Dad, Ma & I went too. We took Aunt Tillie along to take a kiropathic* treatment. Roads are kind of rutty.

Friday had been a very nice day. It was a little too warm and the roads got soft. They finished husking shock corn. Ma & I were busy baking as usual on a Friday.

Saturday was rather cold, so we did not go to town. Then it snowed during the night. Sunday Len, Ruby & I went up to see the Uncles and Aunts in the evening.

*The Illinois Chiropractic Society (ICS) is an organization that represents the chiropractic profession in the state of Illinois. ICS was established in 1926 as a non-profit organization and is acknowledged in the Illinois Medical Practice Act of 1987. ICS works to promote and advance professional standards of ethics, education, training and quality health care for all of their members.

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Tuesday, December 1, 2009

"I Say Thank You For The Music"

Thursday December 2. 1926: It was quite a nice day. Dad, Len, Dan & Ruby were busy husking & hauling corn. We got a card from Aunt Rachel. Uncle Thomas is about the same. They had heard from Anna [Trudgian-Bates] when she was on her way to Arizona.

Wednesday was cold. We finished ironing. Dad & Dan husked. Len & Rub hauled in corn. Tuesday, Dad, Len & Ruby went to town in the forenoon. Dad & Uncle Dan husked corn, while we baked, ironed some & etc.

Monday we washed as usual. Uncle Dan came down that morning to husk shock corn. Len went up to R. Baus’ that afternoon to get the bull calf.

Sunday we all went down to Tresidder’s in the afternoon. The Aunts and Uncles were there also. We heard the new Atwater Kent radio* [see photo above] they had put in last Monday. It was very clear and nice. The best I ever heard. The roads were quite muddy that afternoon. Fiedlers were to church that forenoon in their new sedan. It was the second time we saw them with it, fear it got a bit muddy.

Saturday was a very nice day. That evening cloudy & chilly. Len went up to Ray Baus’ and bought a young bull. He wanted to get it next week. I put the heater on the car in the afternoon.

* Arthur Atwater Kent produced his first radio components in 1921, selling the do-it-yourself kits consisting of "breadboards" that could be assembled by early radio enthusiasts. In 1923 his firm started producing complete radio sets, using a facility on Stenton Avenue. In 1924 the company moved to a new $2 million plant at 4745 Wissahickon Avenue in North Philadelphia. This plant, constructed in sections, would eventually cover 32 acres (130,000 m2). In 1925 the Atwater Kent Manufacturing Company became the largest maker of radios in the nation. The company also sponsored the popular The Atwater Kent Hour, a top-rated radio concert music program heard on NBC and CBS from 1926 to 1934. The show featured top entertainment and became one of the most popular and acclaimed regular radio programs of the era. At its peak in 1929, the company employed over 12,000 workers manufacturing nearly one million radio sets. The plant itself was an architectural sensation and received hundreds of visitors annually. By 1931 the company boasted that it had produced over three million radios. source : Wikipedia.com

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