Saturday, October 3, 1925: Len & Ruby went to town this afternoon. Roads are not very good. They are muddy. Friday we picked off more grapes and made jam & jelly and also baked. Flies were terribly bad. Thursday it had cleared off . We ironed and put up chow-chow, 2 quarts of ground cherries and picked off some grapes.
Wednesday, September 30th: It was rainy during the night before and also today. We made tomatoe preserve and catsup. We also grounded up the ingredients for chow chow. Tuesday we washed and made tomatoe (green) pickles. Uncle Edd and Aunt Annie came down in the evening. It was a lovly day. Monday we all went to town with two cars. The roads not very good yet. We went up to Zimmerman’s to get the shawl. They came home by train Friday night and Mr. Johnson came home Saturday evening. It rained out there Friday so that was why he didn’t come Friday. They said that Uncle Thomas told Johnson that Anna was going to Chicago on the noon train. She hasn’t heard from her husband (Bates) for sometime. Don’t know if she’s going to look him up or what.
Sunday we staid home all day. We did not have any company. Len went over to Bonhoff’s to tell them their pigs were over here. Saturday was a very rainy day, so we couldn’t go to town. Friday we were busy with baking as usual. Uncle Georges thought they might come in the eve, but didn’t come. Perhaps it looked too much like rain. Uncle Edd & Aunt Annie came down that evening.
Thursday we all went to the Elizabeth Community Fair. We left here about twenty after ten. Len & Ruby rode with Uncle Edd & Aunt Annie rode with us. We missed seeing the parade. A big crowd was there, Tresidders & Butchers and a good many others from around here. Uncle Bens, Uncle Henrys, Uncle Joes and Aunt Lizzie, Wesley and Sadie, Maryanne & children and Aunt Tillie were there. Len drove Uncle Edd’s car home as he didn’t feel very good today. Wednesday we ironed, hulled and put up 1 ½ quarts of ground cherries. Uncle Edd & Aunt Annie came down in the eve. We had intended to go to town that evening, so they went home early. We drove in there as Aunt Annie was going to try to call Zimmermans to see if they were home yet. When we got there Ma & Dad were there. They had come home on the train and had a ride part way. They walked from Charlie Ehrler’s. Uncle Edd met them and took them along back to their place. They came home with us when we came home from town. Tuesday was cold. We washed that day, but it didn’t dry very good. We got a card from Ma & Dad. They got out at Waterloo at five oclock. They went up to the Devil’s Backbone , and went through Strawberry Point. They had a cold windy ride. Anna was home yet. She was expecting Austin and his brother. They intended to go south for the winter.
Monday was quite cold. Ruby helped cut corn in the forenoon. We put up six & ½ quarts of tomatoes in the afternoon. We also washed up quite a few jars and picked up ground cherries and etz. We wonder how Mom and Pa were getting along in Waterloo. Sunday we had got up early. Pa and Ma got ready to go to Waterloo. The weather got so cloudy we thought it would rain. We didn’t know if they should start or not but they went as far as Aunt Annie’s and could see it was bright in the west. Len & Uncle Edd took them in. Ruby & I staid at Aunt Annie’s to help her. Zimmermans weren’t ready yet when they got there. I suppose it was anyway eight-thirty before they got started. It turned cooler and out to be a lovly day. We had to hurry awfully with our work to get ready to go to church. Uncle Edd went with us. We were a little late. We staid at Aunt Annie’s to dinner and supper. The Aunts came along with Uncle Georges. Maryanne’s baby was very cute. Warren was quite a boy.
The Ditmars- Uncles George, Ben, Henry, Joe, Dan; Aunts Annie, Tillie and Mag and Amelia ( Lillian's mother) with their parents |
Labels: 1925, Bates, Dittmar, Ehrler, Galena IL, IA, Tippet, Trudgian, Waterloo Iowa, Zimmerman