Leaves on the Trudgian Tree

Exploring the lives of one Trudgian family in Galena, Illinois through the eyes of their daughter, Lillian, during the years of 1913 through 1931. Lillian's authentic diary entries explore the family, neighbors, what is happening in Galena, as well as, national events and of course the weather and the crops!

Location: Portage, Michigan, United States

Since all three volumes of "Lillian's Diaries: Whispers From Galena's Past" have been transcribed and published, I am currenting working on another book about the Trudgian (Tregian/Trugeon) family. This time it will be a novel based on historical events which involve my ancestors in Cornwall in the 1400-1600's. I have just started organizing my research so it will be a year or two before you will see it in the bookstore! I have just finished leading a Genealogy Class for beginners at my church. At the end of the six session class everyone had discovered some new information about their ancestors but there was, of course, many more questions to be answered. So I started the "Whispers From Our Ancestors" blog to provide a space for us to share our genealogical joys and roadblocks. Http://seekingourpast.blogspot.com is open to everyone doing genealogy - beginners to experts and all those inbetween.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

A Sad Departing and a Mysterious Visitor

Saturday, February 15, 1919: Had to work hard to get ready. We started from here at twenty-minutes to five with Pet and Uncle Edd’s Prince in the hack. My but the roads were terrible. Partly frozen and broken thro and some drifts op on the ridge but it was a beautiful moonlight night. We got out at Uncle Joe’s at ten after nine four hours and a half. Ma came down there too today. Uncle Herman looks real nice. But they have his head turned so one side of his head couldn’t be seen. One eye was all black. I guess the brain was pressed outward. Uncle Ben said it was an awful sight. He did not regain consciouness. An awful hole on the side of head. He has a very nice coffin. His shoulder was broke also a thumb. It is bluish gray brocaded. We had a supper at midnight then went to bed.

Sunday was the funeral. It was quite a large one. Grandpa and Aunt Annie, Maggie and Tillie did not come to the funeral. None able unless Aunt Annie. Maybe she wasn’t. Uncle George, Aunt Lizzie, Mayme and Wesley hired a team and rig to come. Uncle Dan came down with Hammers this morning. Mrs. and Miss Wilson and Ehardt & John D and Mr. Shapp sang at the house and church, also at the grave. It was about half past twelve when we got to the church. Wesley, Raymond, John Westaby, Walter Schlichting, Herbert Brickner, and Adam Dittmar’s son were pallbearers. He had three spray of flowers, all of carnations but one had some different flower along with them -white and pink carnations. One from the family, one from Apple River Sunday School and one from the Woodbine Sunday School and another from the Young People’s Society of Schapville Church. Uncle Dan took two spray up to Apple River for the folks. The minister preached a sermon in German and one in English. We staid around the church and got warmed up a little before we started for home. We started at two oclock got home four thirty.

Monday Mother called up from Apple River this afternoon. Just wanted to know how we got home. Didn't do much but chores today. Tuesday I baked bread. One sheep had a lamb today. But lay on it and killed it. Wednesday I baked pies, (squash pies) and biscuits.  Ma called up today. Said she is coming home in the morning.

Thursday Ruby and I went to meet Ma in the forenoon. It snowed this afternoon, an awful storm. Aunt Annie isn’t coming home for a few days yet. Friday was cloudy. Dad got a load of straw down at John’s today.

Saturday was snowy today. Dad has the toothache. Uncle Edd went out to Apple River today. Sunday was a nice day but very muddy. And what do you suppose? Who came at about half past one S.S (guess) I was very very much surprised. Ruby and I were just getting ready to go to church. We run up stairs got ready and climbed out the parlor window and went to church. Dad and Ma had to entertain. The mystery is which one?* (no one).* Ethel, Ruby & I called into Tresidder’s awhile after church. Uncle Edd came down tonight. He was home today. But did not have any other company.

* Who is S.S. nad what was he to Lillian? She eludes to liking someone here and there thoughout 1918 and 1919 ....is it a beau? Maybe the answer will be revealed in Lillian's Diaries: Whispers of Galena's Past, Vol. II.

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Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day

Friday, February 7, 1919: A lovly day. Dad had to go to Galena today with John to help him bring home a thorough bred cow. Ruby baked a cake. Ma bread & coffee cake. Saturday We didn’t know if we should try to take the car to town today or not. Didn’t have the tires pumped up. So Ma and Ruby went with Pet. A very nice day. Sunday was another lovly day. Uncle Edd came down to dinner. We all went to church this afternoon. I had to play the organ. Well, Ma went in to Agnes’ from church and Blanche came up here. So this evening we took her down. When we were nearly there we met Ben. So he went in there too. Don’t know how he liked it. Uncle Edd was down there to.

Monday we took the car out today for the first time this eve. We went as far as Tresidder’s then up the road past the school house and back. Afraid the weather is going to change. John Tresidder came up and helped Dad butcher a hog. Quite a few cars on the road. Tuesday I got a Valentine. I know who its from if it doesn’t say. Found the little pig “Jane” dead this morning. Late this afternoon we thought we would try to auto to Scales Mound but up on the ridge it was muddy and bad in  places so we came home again. The car runs junk anyway. Very warm.

Wednesday was a nother warm day. Ruby and I washed this afternoon. Ma busy with the sausage, lard, & etc. Thursday, it rained last night and this morning. Its very muddy now. It was terribly windy. Rainy again this evening. Ironed today. Friday we had very sad news this forenoon about half past ten. Uncle George called up said Uncle Herman was killed, yesterday afternoon by a tree falling on him. He was living yet but died soon after. Aunt Annie answered the telephone it was an awful shock for her. I had to tell Ma but told her first that he was awfully hurt. He was down at Fred Horsch’s went down this evening. If John will do our chores we aregoing to go Uncle Ben’s. Of course we don’t know much particulars. Aunt Annie and Ma went out to Apple River this afternoon. Uncle Edd took them to town. Uncle Edd is going to drive out tomorrow toward evening. Ma called up this evening. Said he and Mr. Horsch was cutting down a tree near the house and the tree fell the wrong way and hit Uncle Herman on the side of the head. The funeral will be Sun. morning at half past tem from Uncle Joe’s.

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Sunday, February 6, 2011

The Trudgian''s "Pets"

Saturday, February 1, 1925: Della died today. This forenoon of old age. She has so poor lately. Dad went to town today. He had to pull Della away yet when he got home. Dragged the road by here today. Dad said there was lots of cars in town today. Sun 2: Ground Hog Day. Cloudy. Dad & Ruby went to church this morning. Didn’t have any company. It rained a little this eve. Ma & Ruby laughing at me because I look funny because my face is swelled but don’t think I look so funny as I did yesterday.

Monday: Dad and Ruby buried Poor Old Della up near Nellie, Della’s colt and a steer*. All kinds of weather today. Windy and cold tonight. Tuesday we did some sewing. Dad went over to John Combellick’s and got a load of oats. Wednesday was a very nice day. We washed today. Ruby and I went up to Aunt Annie’s. We got a letter from Aunt Tillie. She is getting better slowly. Aunt Maggie is still in bed. Aunt Annie expects to go out to Apple River tomorrow.

Thursday there is a cattle show in Galena. It is reading day*.

* Pets or work animals - there does not appear to be a difference between them - were given much respect and a proper burial by the Trudgians. Next time I am in Galena I am going to walk the back acres by the knoll and see if there are any stones marking the graves of these many animals who came and went.
* Reading Day. I checked at the Historical Research Room at Galena's Public Library about this. They were nice enough to check some reading groups that met at the library and had reading days during this time period. Unfortunately, the Trudgian name was not found in the membership minutes of these groups. Early on (1913) in Lillian's diaries she mentions books -geography, writing, literature books she had at home and is using for Reading Day. Perhaps, since neither she or Ruby attended high school, this was a home schooling curriculum they were following. Reading Day appears in her diaries into the late twenties, just not as frequently as it did in the early years. Anyone have a better idea?

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