A Sad Departing and a Mysterious Visitor
Sunday was the funeral. It was quite a large one. Grandpa and Aunt Annie, Maggie and Tillie did not come to the funeral. None able unless Aunt Annie. Maybe she wasn’t. Uncle George, Aunt Lizzie, Mayme and Wesley hired a team and rig to come. Uncle Dan came down with Hammers this morning. Mrs. and Miss Wilson and Ehardt & John D and Mr. Shapp sang at the house and church, also at the grave. It was about half past twelve when we got to the church. Wesley, Raymond, John Westaby, Walter Schlichting, Herbert Brickner, and Adam Dittmar’s son were pallbearers. He had three spray of flowers, all of carnations but one had some different flower along with them -white and pink carnations. One from the family, one from Apple River Sunday School and one from the Woodbine Sunday School and another from the Young People’s Society of Schapville Church. Uncle Dan took two spray up to Apple River for the folks. The minister preached a sermon in German and one in English. We staid around the church and got warmed up a little before we started for home. We started at two oclock got home four thirty.
Monday Mother called up from Apple River this afternoon. Just wanted to know how we got home. Didn't do much but chores today. Tuesday I baked bread. One sheep had a lamb today. But lay on it and killed it. Wednesday I baked pies, (squash pies) and biscuits. Ma called up today. Said she is coming home in the morning.
Thursday Ruby and I went to meet Ma in the forenoon. It snowed this afternoon, an awful storm. Aunt Annie isn’t coming home for a few days yet. Friday was cloudy. Dad got a load of straw down at John’s today.
Saturday was snowy today. Dad has the toothache. Uncle Edd went out to Apple River today. Sunday was a nice day but very muddy. And what do you suppose? Who came at about half past one S.S (guess) I was very very much surprised. Ruby and I were just getting ready to go to church. We run up stairs got ready and climbed out the parlor window and went to church. Dad and Ma had to entertain. The mystery is which one?* (no one).* Ethel, Ruby & I called into Tresidder’s awhile after church. Uncle Edd came down tonight. He was home today. But did not have any other company.
* Who is S.S. nad what was he to Lillian? She eludes to liking someone here and there thoughout 1918 and 1919 ....is it a beau? Maybe the answer will be revealed in Lillian's Diaries: Whispers of Galena's Past, Vol. II.
Labels: "Lillian's Diaries:Whispers of Galena's Past Vol. II", Dittmar, Tippet, Trudgian