Friday, September 19, 1919: A hard rain last night. It cleared off nicely today. We baked a cake and made jelly. Put up seven quarts tomatoes, picked up and hulled ground cherries and cooked them a little. Saturday we went to Galena late in the afternoon. Quite a good many were in. Saw
Miss somebody today. Somebody we didn’t know before. I looked at hats but didn’t buy any. We came home with out our flour. Thought we would go back again in the evening but weather didn’t look very good. We didn’t for it rain. Sunday went to church in the afternoon. Uncle Edds and John Tresidder were there but no minister. I guess it was too wet for him. But it didn’t rain till the eve.
Monday cleared off fine in the morning. Ruby churned.I working on auto tires. Mother called up and said she is coming home tomorrow. Tuesday we went up to Scales Mound to get Mother. Took a coop of ten old roosters along, got only twelve cents a pound or eight dollar and seventy-six cents. Nearly gave them away. Called at Aunt Lizzie’s. She wants to come down Friday. We all went up to Aunt Annie’s this eve.
Wednesday was another lovly day. Washed today. Dad & I husked a load of corn in the afternoon. Thursday we ironed. We all went to Galena in the afternoon. I bought a pair brown shoes for six dollars and a hat for five. I wanted the one I liked last Saturday, but it was sold. Very disappointed.
Friday late in the afternoon Dad & I went to Scales Mound to get Aunt Lizzie. Werners graded the road from the school house down to Tresidder’s this week. Saturday we were busy all day. We all went to Galena.
Saw somebody* alone tonight. We had a puncture on the way home. Winsicker helped us. Saw a areoplane go over today at three thirty, going west. It was the second I ever saw.
Sunday was rainy in the morning and the eve. Uncle Edds came down to dinner. Tresidders came up this afternoon and staid to supper. Monday Ruby took Aunt Lizzie home this afternoon with Old Pet. Ma & I washed. Tuesday it had rained very heavy last night. Also raining mostly all day and raining hard tonight. Wanted to go to Freeport. Expect we’ll have to put it off again and again. Put up six and one half quarts pears. Also churned & baked cookies.
Wednesday October 1st: Ma and I went to Apple River. We walked over the Station for the five train. Ir was very warm day. Thursday October 2, 1919: Ma and I went to Freeport this morning on the eight thirty train. We went to see Dr. Mary Rosenstiel. Lucky to find a lady doctor. Aunt Tillie had heard of her. She seemed very nice. She said something on the same order as the other doctors. Said there was three ways, an operation, electric treatment or medicines**. She gave me lots of medicines. I’m to go again in 3 weeks. Came back to Apple River at nine oclock. Very tired. Walked around quite a little.
*Who do you think
somebody is?
** What do you think is the matter with Lillian?
Labels: 1919, Apple River IL, Dittmar, Freeport, Galena IL, Scales Mound, Tressiders, Trudgian