Leaves on the Trudgian Tree

Exploring the lives of one Trudgian family in Galena, Illinois through the eyes of their daughter, Lillian, during the years of 1913 through 1931. Lillian's authentic diary entries explore the family, neighbors, what is happening in Galena, as well as, national events and of course the weather and the crops!

Location: Portage, Michigan, United States

Since all three volumes of "Lillian's Diaries: Whispers From Galena's Past" have been transcribed and published, I am currenting working on another book about the Trudgian (Tregian/Trugeon) family. This time it will be a novel based on historical events which involve my ancestors in Cornwall in the 1400-1600's. I have just started organizing my research so it will be a year or two before you will see it in the bookstore! I have just finished leading a Genealogy Class for beginners at my church. At the end of the six session class everyone had discovered some new information about their ancestors but there was, of course, many more questions to be answered. So I started the "Whispers From Our Ancestors" blog to provide a space for us to share our genealogical joys and roadblocks. Http://seekingourpast.blogspot.com is open to everyone doing genealogy - beginners to experts and all those inbetween.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Husking Corn Day After Day, After Day

Friday, October 17, 1919:  Lovly day. Ironed and baked bread & coffee cake. Also husked another load of shock corn. And polished the car. Mother’s birthday. Fifty-three. Got a card from Aunt Tillie. Saturday we all went to Galena in the afternoon. Then came home and then went to town againn that eve. Ruby & I went to the movies. Ma and Pa saw B & E and girls.

Sunday was cloudy. We all went to church. We expected to probably see a new minister. But no minister arrived. Wilbur and Evelyn came out also. She said Mrs. Young was poorly in bed. She said the boys wasn’t over yet and that Elmer doesn’t come over very often. She said they both have girls. Ruby and I thought we’d go down to Tresidder’s but didn’t find them home. We all went down in the evening. Heard Whites had a shower on Emily Winsicker Friday night.

Monday we didn’t get much corn husked as it was rainy. Tuesday was a beautiful day. Busy husking standing corn. We all went up to Aunt Annie’s in the evening. They heard that Jack Combellick and Elmer Young had got married. Had heard before that Jack was going to get married. Wednesday we husked a load of corn. Also washed. Dad, Ruby & I went to Galena late in the afternoon. Think it must have been a mistake about Elmer getting married. We saw his girl and also Ben’s. Think they were coming home from work. Ruby sent Ben a letter this morning.

Thursday, October 23, 1919: Ironed, churned, baked bread. Also finished husking standing corn, a load this afternoon and some this forenoon. Didn’t read much in the Gazette today. Only a piece about the novelty shower at Mrs. Clinton White’s in honor of Emily Winsicker who is to be married to John Combellick October 22. That was yesterday. Heard they went to Freeport to get married.

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Sunday, October 16, 2011

Terribly Disappointment!

Wednesday, October 10, 1919: We ironed. Put up some tomatoes. Dad and Al cutting corn. Had quite a storm and rain last night. Thursday Mother got a ride to Apple River in the forenoon with John Glicks. She came back to Scales Mound on the nine oclock train. Dad, Uncle Edd & I went up after her. John Tippets & John Tresidders & Ida were up here this evening. Grandpa is quite sick. Have a nurse. Mother hardly knows if he knew her or not. Friday Al, Nancy, Dad and Ruby hauled a load of alfalfa hay this after. This eve all but Ma took a ride to Scales Mound. Aunt Lizzie wasn’t home. After we got home Lena Hanson and Arthur Schlichting came. He brought her in. Staid till twelve.

Saturday the folks hauled the hay today. This eve Ruby, Dad, Al, Nancy, Geraldine & Lena went to Galena. Al drove the car. Got along fairly well. Sunday,  Dad & I took the folks in to Zimmerman’s to dinner. Then they were going home on the one oclock train. We all went through Grant’s old home. Uncle Edd & Tresidders went to Apple River this afternoon. Uncle Edds were here to supper. Think Grandpa just a little better. Monday we washed an awful wash put up four quarts ground cherries. Didn’t hear from Grandpa today. Big Soldiers Welcome home at Apple River today. Thursday, October 16, 1919 we all went to Apple River this afternoon. Uncle Edd went with us. Beautiful day. Mother staid out. Aunt Annie came along back. Grandfather a little better. Quite a crowd at Apple River. Mostly cars. Expected to stay for evening. But Uncle Edd & Ma wanted us to go home so home we came. But I was  terribly disappointed and could just as well did the chores several hours late. Mad clear though.

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Sunday, October 9, 2011

An Autumn Wedding

Friday October 3, 1919: We intended to go home this morning. But it rained early so didn’t prepare to go but then it cleared off. Grandpa was down stairs to dinner and supper today. First time since he was sick. Uncle Joes were up. We helped to make sourkraut this afternoon. Saturday we came home, walked. Had a hard rain about noon. And then an awful hard rain about five thirty. The creeks were higher here than I ever saw. The culbert was full and the water run over the top of the bridge and along the road. The awful best thing I ever saw. It took fences.

Sunday we all went to church in the afternoon. Uncle Edd, Aunt Annie, Tresidders, Wilbur B. & Ben Young werethere. Mr. Kravenberg’s last Sunday. He says we will have a student from Dubuque Presbyterian School to preach. We all went up to Uncle Edd’s  in the eve. Monday was a lovly day. It cleared off last night. Dad husked corn. Ma dug potatoes. Ruby picked apples. I picked up ground cherries. Tuesday we washed and hulled ground cherries. Ruby went down to Agnes’s to pick some hopps this afternoon. A lovly day.

Wednesday we ironed and also dug some potatoes. It is a very poor crop. Mary Tippet was married today at noon to Mr. Snow. They went to Buffalo and Niagara Falls. Thursday, October 9, 1919: It was a beautiful day. Aunt Annie came down this forenoon. Brought us a sample of the wedding cake. Uncle Edd came down this evening. Hulled beans this eve.

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Sunday, October 2, 2011

Lillian's Diaries: Final Whispers from Galena's Past

All three volumes of Lillian's Diaries are available now on-line at http://www.amazon.com/ or http://www.createspace.com/  and at Book World in Galena IL and Cornish Connections in Mineral Point, WI. I hope, if you are a Lillian reader, that you have had a chance to form some opinions about Volume I, II,  and/or III. I would love to hear your thoughts on the books, Lillian, Galena IL, or life in the U.S. during the early-mid 1900s. I am finding more and more readers sem to be having difficulties leaving their reviews on the books' pages on amazon.com so if you like, feel free to leave your comments on this blog,  instead of on amazon.com.

Thanks to those who have read Lillian's Diaries and a special thanks to those who have taken time out of their busy lives to write a review or comment about the books.

Mysteries and More Mysteries

Friday, September 19, 1919: A hard rain last night. It cleared off nicely today. We baked a cake and made jelly. Put up seven quarts tomatoes, picked up and hulled ground cherries and cooked them a little. Saturday we went to Galena late in the afternoon. Quite a good  many were in. Saw Miss somebody today. Somebody we didn’t know before. I looked at hats but didn’t buy any. We came home with out our flour. Thought we would go back again in the evening but weather didn’t look very good. We didn’t for it rain. Sunday went to church in the afternoon. Uncle Edds and John Tresidder were there but no minister. I guess it was too wet for him. But it didn’t rain till the eve.

Monday cleared off fine in the morning. Ruby churned.I working on auto tires. Mother called up and said she is coming home tomorrow. Tuesday we went up to Scales Mound to get Mother. Took a coop of ten old roosters along, got only twelve cents a pound or eight dollar and seventy-six cents. Nearly gave them away. Called at Aunt Lizzie’s. She wants to come down Friday. We all went up to Aunt Annie’s this eve.
Wednesday was another lovly day. Washed today. Dad & I husked a load of corn in the afternoon. Thursday we ironed. We all went to Galena in the afternoon. I bought a pair brown shoes for six dollars and a hat for five. I wanted the one I liked last Saturday, but it was sold. Very disappointed.

Friday late in the afternoon Dad & I went to Scales Mound to get Aunt Lizzie. Werners graded the road from the school house down to Tresidder’s this week. Saturday we were busy all day. We all went to Galena. Saw somebody* alone tonight. We had a puncture on the way home. Winsicker helped us. Saw a areoplane go over today at three thirty, going west. It was the second I ever saw.

Sunday was rainy in the morning and the eve. Uncle Edds came down to dinner. Tresidders came up this afternoon and staid to supper. Monday Ruby took Aunt Lizzie home this afternoon with Old Pet. Ma & I washed. Tuesday it had rained very heavy last night. Also raining mostly all day and raining hard tonight. Wanted to go to Freeport. Expect we’ll have to put it off again and again. Put up six and one half quarts pears. Also churned & baked cookies.

Wednesday October 1st: Ma and I went to Apple River. We walked over the Station for the five train. Ir was very warm day. Thursday October 2, 1919: Ma and I went to Freeport this morning on the eight thirty train. We went to see Dr. Mary Rosenstiel. Lucky to find a lady doctor.  Aunt Tillie had heard of her. She seemed very nice. She said something on the same order as the other doctors. Said there was three ways, an operation, electric treatment or medicines**. She gave me lots of medicines. I’m to go again in 3 weeks. Came back to Apple River at nine oclock. Very tired. Walked around quite a little.

 *Who do you think somebody is?
** What do you think is the matter with Lillian?

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