Changes - Beaus and Stoves
Sunday there were no services at Union. We all went up to Aunt Annie’s to dinner. This afternoon Ben came along so Ruby came on home with him. He had horse & buggy as usual. They drove up as far as Singer Cemetery. Ben was here for supper. I guess its his last visit. Hauled in three more loads of hay on Monday. Have some out yet. And its coming to a storm. Wish it wouldn’t rain on it. Tuesday had an awful electrical storm during the night. The folks hauled in one load of hay towards evening.
Wednesday, Aunt Tillie came down in the afternoon. We picked a few strawberries yet for supper. Ma & Ruby washed an awful big washing and hauled another load alfalfa. Finished. Found the little calf dead this evening. It was weak and it got in the creek and couldn’t get out. Dad skinned it. Thursday, June 26,1919, we got up early this morn. Dad, Ma & I went to Galena early. Took in the calf hide and had a little other important business. An Odd Fellows Steam Boat excursion today. Would like to have gone very badly. And really would have if I had known something before. A beautiful day, but warm. We bought and brought home a new Perfection oil stove. Equipped with back and oven for thirty one dollars. Brought it home in the Ford. Dad, Ma, & I had to ride in the front seat. Aunt Annie rode down with us. Dad stood on running board. Ruby & Tillie picked some gooseberries this after. We took Aunt Annie home this eve.
Labels: 1919, Ben Young, Dittmar, Galena IL, Old Fellows Steamboat Excursion, Perfection Oil Stove, Tresidders, Trudgian