Leaves on the Trudgian Tree

Exploring the lives of one Trudgian family in Galena, Illinois through the eyes of their daughter, Lillian, during the years of 1913 through 1931. Lillian's authentic diary entries explore the family, neighbors, what is happening in Galena, as well as, national events and of course the weather and the crops!

Location: Portage, Michigan, United States

Since all three volumes of "Lillian's Diaries: Whispers From Galena's Past" have been transcribed and published, I am currenting working on another book about the Trudgian (Tregian/Trugeon) family. This time it will be a novel based on historical events which involve my ancestors in Cornwall in the 1400-1600's. I have just started organizing my research so it will be a year or two before you will see it in the bookstore! I have just finished leading a Genealogy Class for beginners at my church. At the end of the six session class everyone had discovered some new information about their ancestors but there was, of course, many more questions to be answered. So I started the "Whispers From Our Ancestors" blog to provide a space for us to share our genealogical joys and roadblocks. Http://seekingourpast.blogspot.com is open to everyone doing genealogy - beginners to experts and all those inbetween.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Mother and The Cream Can

Monday, December 14, 1925: Washed today. Len took hogs to the Station. It was cloudy all day. Tuesday was snowy. Len & Ruby were going to town about one oclock. Mother was helping Ruby carry out a can of cream and slipped on the ice. Guess she must have hit the back of her head. We got her up and Len & Ruby helped her to the house and got her things off and got her on the couch. She talked to us alright. Told Ruby she guessed they better go on as she felt better. Then in a few minutes wanted to know what had happened. Told her she fell down, said she didn’t know anything about it and kept on asking us if she fell, where she fell, what she was doing, what kind of cream she was carrying and etz. We were scared, rubbed her with liniment on her head and cold water and etz. she remembered then but her heart was so bad she didn’t get off the couch till about four oclock. Ruby & Len didn’t go to town. Wednesday Len & Ruby went to town. Mother feels quite poorly, very stiff. Uncle Edd and the Aunts came down this evening. Aunts Mag & Till expect to go home tomorrow from Galena. They want us to come out there for Xmas.

Thursday was cloudy. We made fruit cake and a batch of fondant. Friday Dad, Len & I went to town in the afternoon. Saw Thelma Davis. She is home from Minneapolis from Sunday till the 28th. Very cold today. Saturday it was almost too warm. Made the roads soft. A good many cars went along today. Ida, Loretta & Stella Fiedler came down this morning to invite us up to their Xmas program at the school Monday evening. Sunday was cloudy & fog. Didn’t know if we should try to go to church or not, but got ready. After we started we thought it too late so we went in to Aunt Annie’s then they would have us stay for dinner. This eve Ruby & Len went up to Scales Mound to church. Tresidders came up this eve.

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Monday, December 13, 2010

Chopping Wood and Fixing Cars

Sunday, December 6, 1925: We were home all day, went up to Fiedler’s this evening. Stella isn’t so bashful now and is very cute now. Monday we washed. That eve all but Dad went up to Aunt Annie's by car. Tuesday we ironed & baked little cakes* & etz.

Wednesday was sales day at Bergers so we started to town at nine oclock. Wanted to go while the roads were frozen. Took Len along to John Tippet’s to help saw wood. Had an awful jam at Bergers’ sale. Had to lock people out. I bought black silk for a dress at $1.09 a yd. about 5 yds, also a red sweater at $1.95, a pr. of stockings for 50 or 55 cents & a corset for 49 cents. Mother bought some blankets, Ruby a cap. Weather cleared off so we came home about noon. The roads were getting quite smeary already. Uncle Edds are going to saw wood Friday.

Thursday we swept upstairs. It was a nice day. Uncle Edds & the Aunts came down in the evening. Friday Dad & Len helped Uncle Edd saw wood. They took our car. Ruby & I walked up to Aunt Annie’s later. Ethel was there too. Had about a hour's sawing yet after dinner. Uncle Edds had us look at his brake band. He had no control of the car when he went down to the road when they went home from here last night. Found part of the brake lining gone and worn out. Saturday was a nice day, not so cold.

Sunday Len, Ruby & Mother went to town to church in the forenoon. Mother stayed up to Aunt Annie’s to dinner. Walked home towards evening. Then we all went up again in the eve. Monday we washed . Len took hogs to the Station. It was cloudy all day.

* Anyone have a definition of "little cakes"? I have a glossary in the next volume of "Lillian's Diaries: Whispers of Galena's Past" and this is one of the phrases I want to define.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

1925 Slowly Winds Down

As you probably will notice I wrote this posting in the correct chronological order, rather than in the backward order that I have been using in most postings. Do you find it easier to read the entries this way or in the backward mode? I also wanted to give you a "heads-up that " Lillian's Diaries: Whispers From Galena's Past Vol.II covering 1920 through 1925 will be published by Valentine's Day, 2011. A perfect gift for your favorite genealogist or for yourself.

Sunday, November 22, 1925: Didn’t go to church this morning as our car isn’t in running condition and Len & Ruby didn’t get ready in time. Roads are grand. Dad, Ma, & I walked up to Aunt Annie’s this afternoon. Uncle Edd brought us down this evening. He wouldn’t let us walk. Quite cold today. Monday was cold. We washed today. It was beautiful and clear. Tuesday, Mother baked. Len took chickens to Scale Mound. Dad and I worked on car, opened it up and took out the front piston. The rings didn’t seem badly worn.

Wednesday, November 25: Len went to town this forenoon to get a new piston, then we worked all afternoon trying to get the burr loose that holds the connecting rod in place in the piston but couldn’t do anything so had to put in the old piston again. Got the top of engine put on again. A lovly warm day. Thursday, Len and Ruby went out to Wulff’s to Thanksgiving Day dinner, had her folks, his folks and Rev. Swalve’s family. Uncle Edd brought down Aunts Mag & Tillie this forenoon. Uncle Edd & Aunt Annie are going to be at Johnnie’s today. They came down after them again this eve, but didn’t stay as it was snowing. It has been cloudy all day. We had quite a good Thanksgiving dinner. Finished putting together our car this morning, tried to start it several times today. It started several times but would die again. Len started it this evening. Friday, was clear and cold. Didn’t snow much. We tried our car today, seemed to go quite well.

Saturday, November 28th : We all went to town this afternoon with two cars. Len brought home a new hog rack. Roads dandy weather cold. Sunday, It was snowy this morning. So we didn’t go to church, but lots of cars on the road this afternoon and evening. Monday was snowy this morning and cleared off tonight. Uncle Edd and the Aunts came down this eve. They received word today that Gus Winter died last night. We washed today.

Tuesday, December 1, 1925: We baked and did most of ironing. This eve we all went to Scales Mound to see Aunt Lizzie. Len went to his folks most of the time. Wednesday we had thought something of going to Dubuque but got up late, then Len & Ruby decided to go down to Uncle Ben’s. They did up what eve chores could be done and had some dinner. We started about twelve oclock and went the Ridge Road and thru Elizabeth. Had cement road from there to Woodbine. Vada & Lester were home alone. Uncle Ben went to Gus Winter’s funeral and Aunt Dora was at an Aid meeting. Lester went and got her. Heard the Auctioneer selling cattle and etz. at the Stock Show over Uncle Ben’s radio. After supper we came home by the new cement road to Galena. There is about 3 or 4 miles out of Galena that isn’t paved yet. Thursday was barbecue day at Galena today but we didn’t go as the roads got slippery and then it rained this afternoon. Cars went home early, some perhaps wishing they hadn’t gone. Tomorrow is pie day. Friday it rained all day, and quite hard tonight. Didn’t many people from out this way go to town for pie day.

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