Leaves on the Trudgian Tree

Exploring the lives of one Trudgian family in Galena, Illinois through the eyes of their daughter, Lillian, during the years of 1913 through 1931. Lillian's authentic diary entries explore the family, neighbors, what is happening in Galena, as well as, national events and of course the weather and the crops!

Location: Portage, Michigan, United States

Since all three volumes of "Lillian's Diaries: Whispers From Galena's Past" have been transcribed and published, I am currenting working on another book about the Trudgian (Tregian/Trugeon) family. This time it will be a novel based on historical events which involve my ancestors in Cornwall in the 1400-1600's. I have just started organizing my research so it will be a year or two before you will see it in the bookstore! I have just finished leading a Genealogy Class for beginners at my church. At the end of the six session class everyone had discovered some new information about their ancestors but there was, of course, many more questions to be answered. So I started the "Whispers From Our Ancestors" blog to provide a space for us to share our genealogical joys and roadblocks. Http://seekingourpast.blogspot.com is open to everyone doing genealogy - beginners to experts and all those inbetween.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Harvesting God's Summer's Gifts

Saturday, July 25, 1925: We picked over and put up tens quarts of blackberries beside Saturday's work, haying & etz. Len & Ruby went to town late this afternoon. Dad, Ma & I went this evening. A big crowd in town. Uncle Edd & the Aunts made arrangements to go out to Schapville to church then to Uncle Joe’s tomorrow. But then Mrs.Tom Tippet came down this noon. So they asked us if we wouldn’t go out instead of them, as Rachael would have prepared for visitors.

Friday we baked bread and coffee cake and canned four pints sugar peas and six pints yellow beans. We also put up 4 quarts of cucumbers. Dad & Ruby picked blackberries. Thursday we ironed and the men worked cutting oats till real late so as to get through cutting. Dad, Ma & I went up to Aunt Annie’s yet although it was late. Wednesday we washed, made jelly and etz and baked bread.

We went to town on Tuesday. Ma & I picked blackberries in the afternoon. On Monday we had baked bread and churned. Plus we put up six quarts of bean pickles. Dad & Ruby picked blackberries. It was our first picking. We cooked them for jelly and etz. & etz.

Sunday we had several hard showers of rain in the forenoon with sunshine between. The weather had looked fairly good in the afternoon so we walked down to Tresidder’s. Several weeks ago Edd and Elmer Young and families autoed back from Denver and stayed about a week. We heard then that Elmer was married again. Agnes said he was married last fall. His wife has a boy eight years old.

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Sunday, July 18, 2010

Lazy Summer Days

Saturday, July 18, 1925: I wanted to go to town tonight but it was raining so we didn’t go. We could have been ready quite early once. Could have gone if we knew it wouldn’t rain anymore. Stars are shining now. Friday was an example of the nice cool weather we’re having now. Baked and  put up some gooseberries. I finished fixing a white slip and fixing the hem and etz. of my new dress.

Thursday was Ruby’s thirty second birthday. She spent all afternoon in the hay field. Uncle Edd & the Aunts came down in the evening. Ruby & Len milked yet after ten oclock. They brought Ruby a present of a glass dish & six sauce dishes. Wednesday we ironed some and pickled four quarts of beans. Aunt Till came down late afternoon for her slippers & stockings she left here. She brought down a dress she got out of the bargain catalog. It is a yellow voile that cost $1.50 and fit me, so I took it.

Tuesday I was sick in the forenoon. I was dizzy and sick to my stomach so staid in bed till nearly noon. Ma, Ruby & Aunt Mag washed. Aunt Till helped with house work. That eve we took the Aunts up to Aunt Annie’s. Monday afternoon, Dad, Ma, Aunts Mag, Till & I went out to Apple River to cut the lawn and weed & hoe the garden. We got home at twenty to nine.

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Sunday, July 11, 2010

Working Hard for A Good 4th of July

Saturday, July 11, 1925 was a very, very hot day. We couldn’t hardly work, and had lots of hay to make. Dad, Ma & I went to town tonight. Aunt Mag went up to Aunt Annie’s. It was 103 degrees in town today. Friday, Aunt Till, Mother, Ruby & Len went to Mr. Stadel’s funeral in the afternoon.

Thursday, Aunt Margaret & Till came down today to stay awhile. Martha Tippet might want them to
go down there as Win has gone to Prairie Du Chien for treatments. Heard that Mr. Stadel, who has been so sick, died yesterday. I did the baking, made bread, & coffee cake. Also made apple sauce and etz.

Wednesday, Uncle Edd & Aunts came down this eve. Dad, Ma, & I were getting ready to go to
town. So we went yet as we wanted sugar and Kerosene. Tuesday, we washed. Dad picked goose- berries. Len & Ruby went to town in the afternoon. Monday, we finished washing the Fourth of July dishes and straightened them out. Put up five pints of sugar peas and one quart of pickled beans. Sunday, morning Dad, Ma, Ruby, Aunt Till and I went to town to church. Aunt Till rode out with Uncle Edds. Since we had no company we rested the rest of the day.

 Saturday the Fourth of July
That morning it was cloudy yet but cleared off so Len & Dad went to town for the ice cream. They bought 5 gallons of ice cream and got 50 cones. About ten thirty the folks began to arrive. Uncle Edd and the Aunts came first, then Uncle Bens. They had had lots of rain down there and had muddy roads to travel. Then Uncle Henrys, Uncle Joes and Uncle Dan arrived. Uncle Georges and Rev. Swalves didn’t come till after dinner. We had a big long table in the dining room, in fact we had two tables put together which sat about eighteen or twenty and a table for the children out on the porch for the children Aunt Margaret sat down with the children. Everyone brought such a lot of things to eat. All seemed to have a nice time. In the afternoon, the young folks took two cars and took a ride Galena and all over Galena. Lester, Vada, Laretta, Leon & I went to the jail and Grant’s home. It was about supper time when we got back. After supper all went home but Uncle Georges. They staid till Wesley came home from the celebration in Galena at ten-thirty. Then he and another fellow ate a lunch making it fourty-four that were here that day. Edward and Raymond & Elma didn’t come. Ray & Elma went to Galena. Aunt Till stayed down here.

Friday was very busy again. I baked two cakes and a batch of cookies and washed out dish towels but didn’t get the floors cleaned up. It was so terrible sweltering hot. Rainy & storming that evening so we were afraid the celebration on Friday wouldn’t be much. Thursday was very, very busy all day. The Aunts came down to help us get ready for Saturday. They baked bread rolls and coffee cake. We cleaned the cellar and swept upstairs and dusted. Nosed and put up gooseberries and pieplant & etz. That evening Rev. & Mrs. Stauss and Paul came out. We were glad they came in the evening this eve instead of this afternoon, which was half sweltering. Wednesday afternoon, Len, Mother & I went to town. We bought some paper plates and etz. for the Fourth of July Family Reunion doings we are going to have here. Mosquitoes have been terrible lately.

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Working Hard For a Good 4th of July

Saturday, July 11, 1925 was a very, very hot day. We couldn’t hardly work, and had lots of hay to make. Dad, Ma & I went to town tonight. Aunt Mag went up to Aunt Annie’s. It was 103 degrees in town today. Friday, Aunt Till, Mother, Ruby & Len went to Mr. Stadel’s funeral in the afternoon.

Thursday, Aunt Margaret & Till came down today to stay awhile. Martha Tippet might want them to go down there as Win has gone to Prairie Du Chien for treatments. Heard that Mr. Stadel, who has been so sick, died yesterday. I did the baking, made bread, & coffee cake. Also made apple sauce and etz.

Wednesday, Uncle Edd & Aunts came down this eve. Dad, Ma, & I were getting ready to go to town. So we went yet as we wanted sugar and Kerosene. Tuesday, we washed. Dad picked goose- berries. Len & Ruby went to town in the afternoon. Monday, we finished washing the Fourth of July dishes and straightened them out. Put up five pints of sugar peas and one quart of pickled beans. Sunday, morning Dad, Ma, Ruby, Aunt Till and I went to town to church. Aunt Till rode out with Uncle Edds. Since we had no company we rested the rest of the day.

Saturday the Fourth of July
That morning it was cloudy yet but cleared off so Len & Dad went to town for the ice cream. They bought 5 gallons of ice cream and got 50 cones. About ten thirty the folks began to arrive. Uncle Edd and the Aunts came first, then Uncle Bens. They had had lots of rain down there and had muddy roads to travel. Then Uncle Henrys, Uncle Joes and Uncle Dan arrived. Uncle Georges and the Rev. Swalves didn’t come till after dinner. We had a big long table in the dining room, in fact we had two tables put together which sat about eighteen or twenty and a table for the children out on the porch for the children Aunt Margaret sat down with the children. Everyone brought such a lot of things to eat. All seemed to have a nice time. In the afternoon, the young folks took two cars and took a ride Galena and all over Galena. Lester, Vada, Laretta, Leon & I went to the jail and Grant’s home. It was about supper time when we got back. After supper all went home but Uncle Georges. They staid till Wesley came home from the celebration in Galena at ten-thirty. Then he and another fellow ate a lunch making it fourty-four that were here that day. Edward and Raymond & Elma didn’t come. Ray & Elma went to Galena. Aunt Till stayed down here.

Friday was very busy again. I baked two cakes and a batch of cookies and washed out dish towels but didn’t get the floors cleaned up. It was so terrible sweltering hot. Rainy & storming that evening so we were afraid the celebration on Friday wouldn’t be much. Thursday was very, very busy all day. The Aunts came down to help us get ready for Saturday. They baked bread rolls and coffee cake. We cleaned the cellar and swept upstairs and dusted. Nosed and put up gooseberries and pieplant & etz. That evening Rev. & Mrs. Stauss and Paul came out. We were glad they came in the evening this eve instead of this afternoon, which was half sweltering. Wednesday afternoon, Len, Mother & I went to town. We bought some paper plates and etz. for the Fourth of July Family Reunion doings we are going to have here. Mosquitoes have been terrible lately.

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Thursday, July 8, 2010

Oops! The Computer Was on Vacation

Tuesday, June 30, 1925: We ironed and baked bread. Ma & Ruby picked raspberries and a few gooseberries*. We nosed* them and put up 2 quarts and two of raspberries. Uncle Edd & the Aunts came down this eve. Monday we washed. I picked a few gooseberries in the evening.

Sunday, Uncle George came into Aunt Annie’s in the forenoon and they had gone to church, so Uncle George and Aunt Lizzie rode along in to church with us. We staid at Aunt Annie’s for dinner and supper also. Len & Ruby took Mr. & Mrs. Stauss out to Schapville to church. Then they went down to Elizabeth to Gerraler’s. Saturday in the afternoon Dad, Ma, & I went to town. Took a bouquet of Dorothy Perkins roses to Annie Zimmerman. We staid the evening. Ate some bakery goods over in the park for supper and got a parking place early. A lovly evening but very cool and a big crowd in town.

Friday we ironed and baked and made a cake and etz. Thursday we washed. In the afternoon the Aunts came down Dad, Ma & I took them up that evening. Wednesday it rained very hard all forenoon. We put up the pieplant*. Ma & Ruby picked some raspberries, Dad picked some gooseberries and I picked the strawberries. Tuesday we put up twelve quarts of cherries. We worked very hard all day. Had to be so terrible careful as so many of the cherries were wormy. Ruby had to help with the hay too. That forenoon Uncle Edd went out and got the Aunts. They stopped down the road and brought us some pieplant. We all went up there that evening.

In Vol. II of Lillian's Diaries: Whispers of Galena's Pastthere will be a glossary of terms in the back which will explain words or terms that some of us may never have heard of, such as these below. If you know the meaning of words which appear in this blog with an * please let me know.
*Gooseberries “The gooseberry is a straggling bush growing to 1-3 meters (3-10 feet) tall, the branches being thickly set with sharp spines, standing out singly or in diverging tufts of two or three from the bases of the short spurs or lateral leaf shoots. The bell-shaped flowers are produced, singly or in pairs, from the groups of rounded, deeply-crenated 3 or 5 lobed leaves. The fruit of wild gooseberries is smaller than in the cultivated varieties, but is often of good flavour; it is generally hairy, but in one variety smooth, constituting the R. uva-crispa of writers; berries' colour is usually green, but there are red variants and occasionally deep purple berries occur. source www.Wikipedia.com
*Nosed – anyone have a definition?
*Pieplant “Ah, the pieplant -- rhubarb! Most old farms and homesteads have one or more of those plants growing somewhere on the property, usually near a barn. At least that's where I've often spotted them.” Source: www.suite101.com

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