Leaves on the Trudgian Tree

Exploring the lives of one Trudgian family in Galena, Illinois through the eyes of their daughter, Lillian, during the years of 1913 through 1931. Lillian's authentic diary entries explore the family, neighbors, what is happening in Galena, as well as, national events and of course the weather and the crops!

Location: Portage, Michigan, United States

Since all three volumes of "Lillian's Diaries: Whispers From Galena's Past" have been transcribed and published, I am currenting working on another book about the Trudgian (Tregian/Trugeon) family. This time it will be a novel based on historical events which involve my ancestors in Cornwall in the 1400-1600's. I have just started organizing my research so it will be a year or two before you will see it in the bookstore! I have just finished leading a Genealogy Class for beginners at my church. At the end of the six session class everyone had discovered some new information about their ancestors but there was, of course, many more questions to be answered. So I started the "Whispers From Our Ancestors" blog to provide a space for us to share our genealogical joys and roadblocks. Http://seekingourpast.blogspot.com is open to everyone doing genealogy - beginners to experts and all those inbetween.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Birthday, Church Service, Funeral

How many of you are genealogists or family historians. Do you have diaries or journals of ancestors that have given you additional information for your genealogical searches?  I find that Lillian's writing help me to add the "flesh" to my ancestors - hair color, height, weight, eye color, general disposition ~ what about you.

Sunday, November 16, 1919: We all went to town to church. We went to the Methodist church. A very nice day and good roads. So many cars on the road. Received quite a royal welcome at church. A certain person was singing in the choir. We came back to Aunt Annie’s to dinner and spent the afternoon. Monday was a nice day. Warmer. We didn’t wash on account of our bad colds. Mr. Will Swing’s funeral today. He died Friday eve of pneumonia. Tuesday we washed and ironed and baked bread today. Not so bad. Wednesday Uncle Edd and Aunt Annie came down in the morning. Uncle Edd helped haul the fodder. They didn’t get through so they are going to stay all night. A lovly day. Thursday, November 20, 1919 we got through hauling fodder today. We did a little mending, patching, crocheting and etz. Late this afternoon Dad, Ruby & I went to town. Got a sack of potatoes for five dollars. This is Dad is sixty three years old today.

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Monday, November 14, 2011

Socials Continue Despite Wartime

Thursday, October 23, 1919: We ironed, churned, baked bread. Also finished husking standing corn, a load in the afternoon and some in the forenoon. Didn’t read much in the Gazette. Only a piece about the novelty shower at Mrs. Clinton White’s in honor of Emily Winsicker who is to be married to John Combellick Oct. 22. That was yesterday. Heard they went to Freeport to get married. Friday was cloudy  I baked a batch of cookies. Saturday was rather rainy. It had rained last night. Too wet for husking corn.

Sunday was misty. Uncle Edds came down in the afternoon. And Tresidders came up. Monday we got up early and took Ma & I and Aunt Annie over the Station to go on the eight-five train for Freeport. Had such a nasty day. Rained all day. Got six and a half dollars of medicine again. Looked in several stores. I was astonished at the prices. We came back to Apple River in the evening. Staid all night at Grandpa’s.

Tuesday we called at Uncle George’s in the morning before train time. Saw Pearl and Baby. Mayme said she couldn’t come in anymore as time is to short. Said she is going up north to live soon. Going to get married I guess. Got home this forenoon. Ma & I walked from the Station. We all husked corn all afternoon. Wedensday forenoon we husked corn. In the afternoon Ruby and I hauled and unloaded two loads of corn while Dad tied up fodder. Mother baked and churned. Thursday was rainy all day. Ma blackened and put up the dining room stove. I didn’t feel very good. Sick to my stomach last night.

Friday was Halloween. But not much for us. A social at Guilford school. We husked corn this afternoon. Have a hundred twenty three shocks yet.

November 1st, Saturday was a lovly clear day. Busy with Saturday work. Husked five shocks corn and hauled in two loads. Would have liked to be in town. Sunday Father and Mother went up to Aunt Annie’s to dinner. Ruby & I went over to Lottie’s. Staid for supper. Had no company. Monday we washed a big wash and husked corn and hauled in a load. Ninety-seven shocks yet. Our line was connected with the Bell today. Some folks quite tickled. Tuesday was windy and cold. Husked some corn in the forenoon. In the afternoon we all autoed to Galena. Bought some goods for myself for a skirt. Had a flat tire just as we were going to start for home. Had to fix it. Got my feet cold and froze my toes.

Wednesday was clear. Husked corn. I staid in partly made my skirt and dyed my white Georgette waist a pale blue. Also ironed some. Thursday was rainy. Ma and Ruby churned and finished ironing. Friday I was sewing on my skirt. Also made a cake. Ma & Ruby husked some corn. Well, we went to the social at Ford’s School.. Had nobody to go with so Dad went up with us. And then came home again in a little while. Quite a crowd there for the roads. Had lots of little tots speak.  Our boxes both brought a dollar quarter. A Bell boy from Council Hill got Ruby’s. Don’t know who got mine. A fellow from Galena or Menomonee. He bought a whole bunch of baskets and went out side with some girls and ate it. I didn’t get any supper. Very gentlemanly! Also took Clare Engel’s too. Then the poor kids didn’t get anything to eat. We had a nice visit with Jeannette. I guess I could have had someone else buy my basket had I wanted to. After twelve when we got home.

Saturday we were busy with Saturday work and husking corn. Wonder what's going on in town tonight.
Sunday was rainy all forenoon. In the afternoon Uncle Edd & Aunt Annie came down. It started to rain again late in the afternoon and rained hard all evening so Uncle Edds staid all night. Monday it cleared off in the morning, but partly cloudy all day. My but its windy Didn't have any fire and got supper on the oil stove.

Tuesday was a nice day. We washed and husked a load of corn. Josie & Helen came up. I am to go to the Studier’s and Fiedler’s about the Red Cross business. A year ago today the Armistise was signed. Wednesday was very, very cold and windy. Too cold to husk corn. Ironed. Thursday we husked six shocks. I was up to Fiedler’s this afternoon about the Red Cross. Studier was there too. But I didn’t get anything. Ma and I went up to Aunt Annie’s, but didn’t find anybody home. So we called at Johnnie’s.

Friday we finished husking corn. Husked twenty shocks. Very dry husking. Also hauled in two loads of corn. Have a load of unload tomorrow. And lots of fodder to tie up. We have bad colds.

Saturday, November 15, 1919: We all went to Galena  in the car. Quite a nice day. Had the car all closed in. Lots of people in town today. Would like to have been in town again tonight to see what's going on.

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